打印/印刷校准功能(Printer Calibration)
- 使用由基于向导的界面,连接分光光度计,Mutoh G7校准器轻松构建可重复的基线打印机校准
- Easily build repeatable baseline printer calibrations with the Mutoh G7 Calibrator driven by a wizard-based interface coupled with a spectrophotometer.
质量和颜色检验(Color Verification)
- 确认每日符合行业标准,或内部定义的颜色标准,并在必要时自动生成更新的打印机校准
- Confirm daily conformance with an industry guideline or internally developed color standard and, when necessary, automatically generate an updated printer calibration.
过程控制(Process Control)
- 使用基于Web的诊断程序在设备或工作流程问题变得严重之前跟踪和查找它们
- Use the web-based diagnostics to track and find device or workflow problems before they become significant.
如有购置需求, 可联系我们